Character Purity Ministries
Character Purity © 2010
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Pelham, NY 10803

Papal Emergence from Latency

Papal Emergence from Latency
The Papacy's Economical Plan Emerges

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Beasts of Revelation 13 Revealed

As time progresses, many question the next move of the "Most Powerful Country in the World", The United States of America. This year set precedent as America's former President , George W. Bush, surprised the populace by meeting Pope Benedict XVI at the airport, an action of submission to the Papal Order. Noticeably, the former First Lady, Laura Bush, is dressed in black with a head covering, revealing her confession of sinfulness in the presence of the Pope, ironically a "man of sin" (2Thessalonians 2:3).

The significance of Pope Benedict XVI points to his name. A well known word among many church goers "Benediction" is a phrase which generally represents the closing procedures of a Sermon. Ironically symbolic of these end times, the word Benediction is seen on Church agendas, engendering a sense of closure. Thus, we can surmise the significance of Pope Benedict XVI's name, as it appears to be relevant to the closure of the earth's history, as the National Sunday law seems imminent.

Benedict XVI's predecessor Pope John Paul II presented as very calming, as he set the ground work for what appears to be the closing work of the Papacy, who will yield power to America's Protestant Entities. In previous years, President Reagan made special arrangements aligning and honoring the wishes of Pope John Paul II disregarding his best judgment.

The prior video appears to substantiate superior Power possessed by the Vatican's Papacy (the first Beast of Revelation 13:1-11) and America (The Second beast of Revelation 13:11-18). The following popular quote evidences the abovementioned fact "Rowny said Reagan believed that the fact that Pope John Paul was Polish would be an important factor in the eventual liberation of Poland".

Ecumenism, a One World Church, has begun its formation in places such as India and Turkey. Leading into the reinstitution of Sunday restrictive persecutory laws, which remains dormant; Jesuits will utilize the facade or smokescreen of "World Peace" as a means of changing times and laws (Daniel 7:25). Please see Full Document containing Dormant American Sunday Laws Entitled: "Full Manuscript: Sunday Legislation on the Records, Dormant in America, all Sabbatarians please read page 19. 

A statement made by George W. Bush does not surprise many as he awkwardly states that he looked into the Pope's eyes and saw god (See evidence in Video below). Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of England also converting to Catholicsm adds even more speculation regarding the Papacy's role in Supreme power.

Rembering that World Peace will be a facade for Ecumenism, it appears most worrisome, that the United States of America has granted "diplomatic immunity and privileges to the members of the Holy See's Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations" , the Papal Powers (Revelation 13:1-18). Such a deregulatory pass does not surprise the remnant, as we are clearly on the verge of Enforced National Sunday Law, the Mark of the Beast.

A Sunday law once enforced will disallow Sabbatarians sealed with the living God from buying or selling because of their non-compliance to Enforced Pagan Sunday directives (Revelation 7:1-3, 13:14-18).

Also, note that Pope Benedict XVI (2nd Pope to visit the White House) was welcomed to the White House, with a twenty-one gun salute, used primarily for royalty, symbolizing America's clear union with a Theocracy, bridging on a possible union between Church and State, similar to Medieval times.

(Please see or Wikipedia in order to determine the underlying meaning of a twenty-one gun salute).

Christ's return is conditional, as it appears evident that once God's remnant comes out of Laodicea, Satan will as a means of multiplying lost souls, attempt to pass Enforced National Sunday Law, the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-18), thus causing probation to close for the Church of God; followed by Probation for the World (1Peter 4:17, Revelation 22:11).

Accepting the message of RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH, Seventh-day Adventists must focus on strengthening the true church of Christ, those that keep the Ten Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ, adhering to the law and the testimony. The focus on the light of Truth, a nonnegotiable objective, will be kept solely by true Christians, obedient and faithful; God's peculiar people (Isaiah 8:20, Titus 2:14, 1Peter 2:9, Revelation 14:12). An uncompromising, unchangeable, immutable faith in the Messiah, our Redeemer, is thus required. God wants his chosen to daily grow in sanctification, developing in the Character of God (Revelation 14:1-5). Finding love and reassurance in the Messiah by grace through faith, God's remnant can become firmly rooted in Truth; receptive of the Seal of God (John 15:1-7, Ephesians 2:8, Ephesians 4:30). With guileless mouths and unblemished garments, those chosen, successfully withstanding the trials and tribulations without the aid of an Intercessor, will be rewarded as God's precious gems, 144,000 in number (Revelation 7:1-4).

As the close of the house of God's probation approaches (1Peter 4:17), heirs remain faithful and alert, reassuring their seat at the throne of God (Revelation 3:21). Today's sealing message manifests God's Divine, Infinite and Perfect Power (Romans 1:20). Eternally filled with good news, God's sealing message warrants that all chosen individuals must manifest the Character of Christ, overcoming the propensity to sin (Matthew 5:48, 1John 3:9). Sin is noncompliance with the Ten Commandments (1John 3:4). Such an allegiance to Divine truth, will be the focus for those who dare to be like the Prophet Daniel and the Three Hebrews, standing for Christ, our Faithful True Witness. The ongoing work towards Sealing requires fixed, unchangeable, absolute sanctification, which comes from Christ alone. Being justified by faith, we must continue in obedience, building the Character of God (Exodus 20). Mirroring the image of the Messiah, we must have Him formed fully in us, being found blameless and faultless (Galatians 4:19, 1Thessalonians 5:23, Jude 1:24,25). We must emphasize to both believers and non-believers the need to evacuate Babylon, before the world's probation closure (Revelation 18:1-4, Revelation 22:11). Teaching the three angels' messages to ..."every nation kindred tongue and people" is essential (Revelation 14:6-12).

Receiving God's symbolic sealing in our foreheads is our ultimate goal, as the 144,000 (Revelation 14:1). The 7th-day Sabbath is a visible manifestation of God's Sealing Truth (Ezekiel 20:12). As God's righteous Loud Cry messengers, it is imperative that we keep the faith while sharing End Time Truth to all regarding the Godhead and its Power, Wisdom and Love (Deut 6:4; Proverbs 8:22-36; John 1:1-3,14; Romans 1:16,17,20; 5:1-5).

"Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus" (Revelation 14:12). The people of God must understand the seriousness of the times. We must evacuate spiritually from Babylon, following God with no compromise. Seventh-day Adventists must reform their ways, teaching the world about the need to abstain from worldly, earthly appetites and lusts: unhealthful diets, smoking, drinking alcohol, dangerous meat eating, caffeine consumption, pornography, television addiction, diabolical video games, cursing, worldly adornment, attending bars and worldly concerts, just to mention a few.

The church of Philadelphia is true Adventism (Revelation 3:7-13). As we prepare for the Latter Rain (James 5:7), embracing the return of Christ, true sincere believers must focus on becoming harvest ripe, perfecting Christian characters. Harvest ripe by biblical definition entails a process of establishing ..."first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear"(Mark 4:26-29). "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord" (Act 3:19). Once our Christian Characters have become converted and faultless, we have reached the stage of "the ear" , poised for the showers of the Spiritually enriching latter rain (Zechariah 10:1, 1Thessalonians 5:23, James 5:7, Jude 1:24-25).

We are truly living in the END TIMES and as the potential 144,000, we will need to be spiritually equip to withstand trials and tribulation, sin-free, without an Intercessor (Daniel 12:1, 1John 3:9, Revelation 6:17). 
The Mark of the Beast, ENFORCED Sunday Pagan Worship, having "no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image" [Romanism & False Protestantism] (Revelation 13:11-18, Revelation 14:9-11), will cause a loss of purchasing power for God's chosen. However, the Creator will provide resources for His own "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna..." like coriander seed, honey wafers (Exodus 16:31, John 6:58, Revelation 2:17). The Ten Commandments, a legal and binding Heavenly governmental ordinance, will be a last day constitutional mandate, maintained by God's chosen (Exodus 20, Revelation 14:12). Spiritual Babylonians will be a tool by Satan, persecuting the remnant of Christ's seed (Revelation 12:17). Be encouraged, as persecution will purify the faithful body of Christ (Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:1-3, Titus 2:11-15, Revelation 14:1-5), reserving their seat at the throne of God (Revelation 3:21).